Gun Manager
The GunManager
is responsible for managing guns. It handles spawning, resetting, shooting rules, and various events
related to gun behaviour.
Properties | Description |
Variant Root | Reference to the root GameObject containing GunVariantData. |
Managed Gun Root | Reference to the root GameObject containing ManagedGun. |
Bullet Holder | Reference to the ProjectilePool used for managing bullets. |
Fallback Variant Data | Fallback gun variant data if a specific variant is not found. |
Fallback Behaviour | Fallback behavior for guns if a specific behavior is not found. |
Allowed Ricochet Count | (Obsolete & Unused) Was used to specify maximum ricochet count to deal damage. |
Optimization Range | (Obsolete) Used to specify optimization range for ManagedGun. |
Handle Re-Pickup Delay | The delay for handling repickup of guns. |
Max Hold Distance | The maximum distance for holding guns. |
Use Debug Bullet Trail | A boolean flag indicating whether to use a debug bullet trail. |
Use Bullet Trail | A boolean flag indicating whether to use a bullet trail. |
Use Collision Check | A boolean flag indicating whether to use collision checking. |
Various events are invoked to notify listeners about gun manager state changes, such as gun reset, gun occupancy change, variant change, local pickup/drop, shooting, etc.
See GunManagerCallbackBase for more information.