
Gun Manager


The GunManager is responsible for managing guns. It handles spawning, resetting, shooting rules, and various events related to gun behaviour.

Variant RootReference to the root GameObject containing GunVariantData.
Managed Gun RootReference to the root GameObject containing ManagedGun.
Bullet HolderReference to the ProjectilePool used for managing bullets.
Fallback Variant DataFallback gun variant data if a specific variant is not found.
Fallback BehaviourFallback behavior for guns if a specific behavior is not found.
Allowed Ricochet Count(Obsolete & Unused) Was used to specify maximum ricochet count to deal damage.
Optimization Range(Obsolete) Used to specify optimization range for ManagedGun.
Handle Re-Pickup DelayThe delay for handling repickup of guns.
Max Hold DistanceThe maximum distance for holding guns.
Use Debug Bullet TrailA boolean flag indicating whether to use a debug bullet trail.
Use Bullet TrailA boolean flag indicating whether to use a bullet trail.
Use Collision CheckA boolean flag indicating whether to use collision checking.


Various events are invoked to notify listeners about gun manager state changes, such as gun reset, gun occupancy change, variant change, local pickup/drop, shooting, etc.

See GunManagerCallbackBase for more information.