
Gun Variant Data Store

Stores entire gun data for GunManager.

Unique IdUnique Id to identify variant
Weapon NameHuman-readable name of this variant
Holster SizeMinimum required GunHolster size
Available Firing ModesFiring modes of this variant. Can be cycled through using Jump button in the controller
Max Rounds Per SecondLimit of how many bullets can be shot in 1 second. Can be set as Infinity
ModelModel of this variant as GameObject
Projectile DataProjectileDataProvider (GunBulletDataStore) of this variant
Audio DataGunAudioDataStore of this variant
Haptic DataGunHapticDataStore of this variant
Camera DataGunCameraDataStore of this variant for GunCamera
BehaviourGunBehaviourBase of this variant
Is Double HandedIs this variant two handed?
Use Re Pickup Delay For Main HandleUse unable-to-pickup delay after dropping main handle?
Use Re Pickup Delay For Sub HandleUse unable-to-pickup delay after dropping sub handle?
Use Wall CheckEnable in-wall check?
Use Safe Zone CheckEnable safe-zone check?
Model OffsetTransform of where Model GameObject should be
Shooter OffsetTransform of where bullets should shoot
Main Handle OffsetTransform of where MainHandle should be
Main Handle Pitch OffsetVR-only. Offset for pitch when holding a gun
Sub Handle OffsetTransform of where SubHandle should be
Collider SettingBox Collider representation of this variant
Desktop TooltipTooltip for holding gun with this variant in desktop
VR TooltipTooltip for holding gun with this variant in VR
Object TypeObjectMarker's ObjectType of this variant
Object WeightObjectMarker's Weight of this variant
TagsObjectMarker's Tag of this variant