

FireMode is used to determine how guns should behave when the trigger is pulled.


UnknownShould not be used regularly, as it indicates the received data was invalid or uninitialized
SafetyWeapon cannot be fired
SemiAutoWeapon can be fired one shot at a time
FullAutoWeapon can fire continuously while the trigger is held down
TwoRoundsBurstWeapon fires 2 rounds when the TriggerState is in Firing state
ThreeRoundsBurstWeapon fires 3 rounds when the TriggerState is in Firing state
FourRoundsBurstWeapon fires 4 rounds when the TriggerState is in Firing state
FiveRoundsBurstWeapon fires 5 rounds when the TriggerState is in Firing state

Generally, you can cancel bursts if you are in the middle of cool down between 1st to 2nd bullet. You cannot cancel after the 2nd shot of the burst.